New Patients


If you live within our catchment area and would like to register as a patient with Springwood Surgery please complete one of the following forms. Your registration will be processed much quicker if you provide your NHS number. If you do not know your NHS number you can use this online tool to find it.

A form is required for each person registering.

Catchment Area

New patient registration form

Temporary patient registration form

If you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, you can receive emergency treatment for up to 15 days. After 15 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.

You can register as a temporary resident with a GP in England if you are in the area for longer than 24 hours, but less than 3 months.

Patient's details

Date of birth
If you know your NHS number please help us by providing it
Home address
Temporary address
SMS text messaging service
By providing your email address you are consenting to receive information from Springwood Surgery to your email address. Only consent to receiving emails if you do not share your email address/account with another adult and you regularly check your email inbox for new messages. You will receive an initial message requesting verification of your email account.
Address of doctor
I anticipate being a temporary resident for;


Springwood Surgery is enrolled within the NHS Electronic Repeat Dispensing System. If you are regularly taking medication and it is appropriate, your repeat prescriptions will be sent electronically to your preferred pharmacy.
Please nominate your preferred pharmacy to assist with the processing of any medication you may require now or in the future;


I am signing as;

Other ways to register

If you choose to download a registration form for printing please complete the form and hand it to a member of our reception team. You may be given a patient health questionnaire to complete in addition to the registration form.

A named accountable GP for all patients

All patients registered at Springwood Surgery have a named accountable GP who has overall responsibility for your care and support.

What does “accountable” mean?

The contract between the NHS and GPs requires a named accountable GP to be responsible for the co-ordination of all appropriate services required under the contract and ensure they are delivered to each patient where required. However, this does not mean that they will be the only GP or clinician who will provide care to that patient. These responsibilities will be carried out within the opening hours of Springwood Surgery and do not change the way you currently access other care outside these hours.

Can patients choose their own named accountable GP?

New patients are allocated a named accountable GP at the time of registration. Those patients already registered at Springwood Surgery will have been allocated a GP on the basis of whom they normally see. However, if a patient requests a different GP, reasonable effort will be made to accommodate their preference.

Do patients have to see their named accountable GP when they book an appointment?

No. Patients can, and should feel free to choose to see any doctor or nurse at Springwood Surgery in line with current arrangements. If their preferred choice of GP or nurse in not available, an alternative will be offered. 

If you are unsure of who your named accountable GP is please ask a member of our reception team.

Patients from abroad and non-English speaking patients

These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.

Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.

Choose from the following languages:

Albanian shqip







Arabic عربي






Bengali বাংলা







Bulgarian български







Cantonese 廣州話







Find your NHS number

When filling in online forms or speaking with NHS staff, you may be asked for your NHS number. You can typically find your NHS number on any communication from NHS organisations like a medication prescription or hospital appointment letter.

This online tool will help you find your number if you do not know it.

You can also contact a member of the reception team at Springwood Surgery but you will be asked to provide identification such as a driver’s licence or passport.