Meet the team

Practice Manager

Danielle Adams

Danielle has responsibility for the day to day management of the practice and will be happy to deal with any queries or comments you may have concerning the practice.


General Practitioners (GP)

Dr Sarah Lee (Partner)

Joined the practice in March 2003. Her interests include Mental Health and Plastic Surgery. Dr Lee also does regular Minor Surgery clinics. Dr Lee supervises the foundation doctors attached to the practice.

Dr Philippa Allan (Partner)

Joined the practice in January 2014. Her interests include Palliative Care and Women’s Health. Dr Allan organises the teaching for medical students from Newcastle University.

Dr Emily Fussey (Partner)

Joined the practice in May 2020. Her interests include Paediatrics, Medical Education and Mental Health. Dr Fussey is a GP Trainer who regularly has a GP Registrar Doctor under her supervision.

Dr Jennifer Kane (Partner)

Joined the Practice in September 2022. Her interests include Paediatrics, Mental Health and Palliative Care.

Dr Mike Smith (Partner)

Joined the practice in 2023. His interests include musculoskeletal medicine, medical education, and men’s health. Dr Smith performs joint injections and minor surgery and is also the research lead in the practice.

Dr Bryony Coapes (Partner)

Joined the practice in June 2023. Her interests include Women’s Health and Wellbeing.

Nursing Team

Amanda McGough

Practice Nurse

Samantha Welford

Practice Nurse

Rebecca Wetherill

Practice Nurse

Kirsty Solomon

Health Care Assistant (HCA)

Barbara Noble


Training Practice

Springwood Surgery is a very proactive training practice for GP Registrars, Final Year Doctors and Students.

We are actively involved in training GP registrars who are trained by Dr Fussey, Dr Kane and Dr Smith. They are fully qualified doctors who are undertaking specialist training to be GPs.

Dr Lee supervises our Foundation doctors who attend the practice for 4 month rotations and Dr Allan supervises medical students during their General Practice visits.